Source: The Daily Telegraph
More Klout than Julia Gillard ... Cody Simpson. Picture: The Daily Telegraph Source: The Courier-Mail
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JULIA Gillard beware - there's a slightly awkward-looking blonde bloke who wields a heck of a lot more influence online than you.
But at least it's not Kevin Rudd, The Daily Telegraph reported.
A sophisticated measure of influence across social media networks like Twitter and Facebook, carried out by social media analyst company Klout, has found that our first female PM is a long, long way behind 14-year-old pop sensation Cody Simpson - and nine other Aussies.
Simpson, Australia's answer to Justin Bieber, is the blond-haired Gold Coast teen who rose to global fame in 2009 after posting videos online of himself singing.
He has since amassed almost 1.5 million Twitter followers, 26,000 MySpace friends, 1.9 million Facebook fans and 100 million YouTube video views.
Klout spokeswoman Megan Berry said Simpson's Klout "score" was 89.54 out of 100, easily beating Australia's No. 2 Kylie Minogue (77.48) and 11th-placed Ms Gillard (70.45).
Even US President Barack Obama can't equal Simpson's reach, managing just 88.
The top scorers had one thing in common: They are prodigious users of social media, specifically Twitter.
Simpson has worn out his thumbs, sending more than 13,400 tweets into cyberspace, but that pales in comparison to political commentator Latika Bourke, who by yesterday had notched up almost 41,000 tweets.
University of Canberra social media researcher Julie Posetti said the Klout score was based on a complex algorithm that defined influence in a number of ways.
"It not only looks at who follows you, but how influential they are, who follows them and also how much your content is redistributed," she said.
"If your content gets re-tweeted, it looks at who re-tweets it and how influential those people are. It also looks at interactivity and engagement - how many people react to something you say."
Ms Berry said the average Klout score was only about 20.
"The score becomes exponentially harder to increase as you move up the scale," she said.
"For instance, it is much harder to move from a 70 to a 75 than from a 20 to a 25."
Simpson said social media was the most important tool he had.
"It's difficult to get radio play when you're 14, but if you can build a fan base online, they will stick with you even when you don't have a hit," he said.
A spokesman for Ms Gillard said the PM considered social media "an important tool" to listen and talk to average Aussies.
Ms Posetti said the Klout results more likely reflected what was happening in the "real" world.
"I think if you were to vox-pop people in Pitt St Mall you would probably find a greater recognition of a fly-by-night pop star than the minister for transport, for example," she said.
"The reality is that in Australian society, popular culture is likely to trump politics."

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