
'You can't treat me like this. I'm Australian'

Matthew Newton

Matthew Newton in his Miami Hotel after being charged by police. Picture: Channel 9 Source: The Daily Telegraph

Event Matthew Newton

Matthew Newton in Jeffrey Tambor's acting workshop in Texas. Picture: Splash Source: The Daily Telegraph

Troubled Australian actor Matthew Newton has been arrested in Miami in the United States.

Napier Velazquez

Miami police spokesman Napier Velazquez. Picture: Paul Toohey Source: The Daily Telegraph

John El-Masry

John El-Masry, the owner of Mr Moe's in Miami, described Newton as a "Belligerent customer". Picture: Paul Toohey. Source: The Daily Telegraph

Matthew Newton

Matthew Newton in his arrest picture in Miami. Picture: Source: Supplied

  • Matthew Newton "swore" at US police officer
  • "You can�t treat me like this because I�m Australian"
  • Newton plans to enter a not guilty plea

MATTHEW Newton will plead not guilty to charges of trespass and resisting police after his Miami attorney, John Skerry, made a demand to take the case to trial.

A police complaint against Matthew Newton released a short time ago states that that the actor swore at an officer after he tried to get back into Mr Moe?s pub in Miami in the early hours of Friday, saying: "F**k you cop, you can?t treat me like this because I?m Australian", reported The Daily Telegraph.

Miami Dade County court documents shows that Mr Skerry entered a written not guilty plea on the court record this morning, US time, and made a demand that police hand him detailed information so he can prepare a defence.

No trial date has been set.

A police officer known as Hernandez, who was moonlighting as security at Mr Moe?s, wrote in a complaint form that he observed the Australian actor being removed from the premises by the bar?s private security at around 4am.

"I observed the def(endant) being escorted off the property," the officer wrote. "Def came back on several occasions after I told him to leave."

The officer was also required to fill out a second report commenting on Newton?s injuries.

"I notice (sic) the def had small scratches on the right side of his face," the officer wrote.

"I ask club security what happen (sic). He stated def was involved on (sic) a fight inside the club ? after he started to escort him out he noticed the injurie (sic)."

Until now, police had been treating the arrest of Newton, who spent more than 24 hours in custody before a $2000 bond was posted for his release on Saturday morning, as a minor event.

But now it seems they, along with the management at Mr Moe?s bar in Coconut Grove, will be forced to give detailed statements and find witnesses to testify what really happened.

Mr Skerry has not been available for comment but it is expected that Newton will insist that he was not drinking and not aggressive.

A key question will be how Newton got the abrasion above his eye.

Mr Moe?s owner, John El-Masry, has said there is no CCTV footage of the incident because the bar?s cameras were in the process of being replaced.

No evidence of drug use or alcohol intoxication

The management of Mr Moe?s has stated that Newton was very drunk, but nowhere on Newton?s arrest sheet does it mention that he was intoxicated.

According to Newton?s Sydney lawyer, Chris Murphy, Newton demanded a drug and alcohol test from his arresting officers but Miami Police Department public affairs spokesman, Napier Velazquez, said no such test would be given unless the arrested person had been driving.

Mr Velazquez said Newton was not considered violent. "He just resisted a little bit when they were trying to handcuff him," he said.

Mr Velazquez said the arresting officer ? who will not be making any public comment on the arrest ? was standing outside the bar when he alerted by Mr Moe?s security because "there was some sort of dispute of argument inside.

"Everyone that was involved in the argument, or dispute was asked to leave the restaurant and they all left. And this particular gentlemen came back even after being warned not to come back."

Mr Velazquez said he believed Newton received the abrasion over his eye in a bar fight. "We believe it might have been (after a fight) with other patrons at the establishment," he said.

Miami was a second chance

Newton came to Miami to work with highly regarded Australian documentary maker Alison Thompson, who is working on a project about Haiti?s post-earthquake recover.

Ms Thompson, who has worked with the actor Sean Penn on bringing attention to Haiti?s suffering, told Channel 7 as she visited Newton at his hotel in Coconut Grove yesterday: "He?s doing OK, it?s just hard with all the press hounding him.

"He?s just a human that needs a lot of help."

Australian television cameras caught him coming down from his hotel room in Coconut Grove late on Monday night. Newton looked weary and asked to be left alone, but showed no anger.

No court date has yet been set for Newton.

Mr Murphy claimed Newton was under severe stress in Australia, telling a court a fortnight ago that he had to get out of Australia for the sake of his mental health.

Seperate Australian court proceedings continue

In Downing Centre Local Court on Tuesday, Mr Murphy was able to have an assault case against Newton, who is facing charges of punching a Sydney taxi driver, Mohsen Khayami, adjourned for three months while Newton dealt with the new US charges.

Mr Murphy said Newton was receiving specialist psychological care in Miami but said the media was exacerbating his problems.

"My client is hunted like a wounded animal," Mr Murphy said. "My extreme concern ... is that he is suicidal."

In an earlier hearing, Mr Murphy claimed Newton had "probably been mentally ill all his life, according to doctors. He was born in the public eye. From the day he was born, he?s been the focus of the media. He needs some normalcy."

The owner of Mr Moe?s, Jon El-Masry, said he was still unsure what exactly happened in the altercation because the bar?s camera?s were not working and there were differing accounts from staff.

Mr Velazquez said it was normal in Miami for police to work after hours as bar, club or event security on private payrolls wearing the MPD uniforms.


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