Humans are flawed and live with it ... Actress Gwyneth Paltrow says she's a romantic and a realist. (Photo by Ian Gavan/Getty Images) Source: Getty Images
AN OSCAR-winning actress, who has been married nearly eight years, says humans are flawed.
"I am a great romantic - but I also think you can be a romantic and a realist," said Gwyneth Paltrow, who has two children Apple, seven, and Moses, five, with husband, Chris Martin, the singer/songwriter of UK band Coldplay, The Daily Telegraph reported.
"Life is complicated and long and I know people that I respect and admire and look up to who have had extra-marital affairs," said Paltrow, who spoke about the difficulty of marriage last month.
"It's like we're flawed - we're human beings and sometimes you make choices that other people are going to judge.
"That's their problem but I really think that the more I live my life the more I learn not to judge people for what they do. I think we're all trying our best but life is complicated."
In her new film Contagion, which premiered at the Venice Film Festival, Paltrow plays an adulterous wife who unwittingly brings back a deadly virus to America after a visit to Hong Kong.
"If death by virus was a punishment for extra-marital affairs there would only be three dudes left in this world right now," she joked in Venice.
But while she may think affairs are part of life she is quick to stress she is happy with British husband Chris and their children Apple, seven, and five-year-old Moses.
She says: "I'm lucky - I have a wonderful, blessed life. I have two fantastically delightful children and a very nice husband, so... " Then she adds, laughing: "Knock on wood."
Paltrow, who dated Brad Pitt and Ben Affleck before meeting Martin at a Coldplay concert in 2002, said her family is the most important part of her life.
"I think before you have children your focus is on yourself and you think, 'Oh what am I going to be? Where am I going to live? What am I going to do?'
"And then you have children and they and their happiness, safety and security become the focus of your life. I just feel very lucky that I have them because they have completely given me a real life.
"I still haven't done a starring role in a movie since I had my daughter because it means too many days away.
"I can't do it. So I do good supporting roles, basically."
Contagion's premise - a deadly virus - does not make Palrow paranoid for her children's future.
"We live in an over-populated planet and the farming practices, the way we're cutting down forests, we're going to be seeing more of this kind of thing but you can worry or just not worry.
"You can be smart and if you're going somewhere where your body is not used to those germs, there are things you can do but I'm not overly paranoid about it.
"I have lots of fears but I think it's important to remember the reason we have fear is to keep us alive. But it can also very quickly become an irrational thing so I always try to minimise fear.
"President Roosevelt said it best - 'There is nothing to fear but fear itself' - and it's true because fear can be so paralysing and can make you make bad choices."
Raised by a Jewish father Bruce and a Christian mother Blythe, Paltorw believes that disasters occur for a reason.
"I don't believe in religion at all but it's spiritual. I believe in a divine power and I believe that everything happens for a reason and if it's your time to go, it's your time to go."
On the red carpet in Italy, Paltrow looked slim and incredibly healthy.
The trim figure and fresh skin is due to a regular exercise regime laid down by personal trainer Tracy Anderson.
"I'm very committed to my Tracy Anderson method. I do it every day - well, I do it five days a week," said Paltrow.
"So I drop the kids at school and I come home, I exercise for an hour and 15 minutes every single day.
"There's no fairy dust, there's no trick - it's like you do it and it works."

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