Steven Seagal is tough on criminals and soft on animals in Steven Seagal: Lawman. Picture: A&E Source: Supplied
IF YOU want Steven Seagal to say sorry for having a hand in the slaughter of your puppy, you'd better show him a photo of the corpse.
The action star has been accused of having a hand in the shooting of a family dog while filming his reality TV show Steven Seagal: Lawman, which follows his duties as a reserve deputy sheriff.
Jesus Sanchez Llovera claims his 11-month-old pet was shot dead during a raid by Seagal on his home in Laveen, near Phoenix, Arizona, on March 9.
Seagal, captaining a SWAT tank and leading scores of officers in riot gear, burst into Llovera's home in search of an illegal cockfighting farm. They knocked down Llovera?s fence and wall, blew out his windows and piled into his family living room.
Llovera says his puppy was caught in the fray and shot by police. He wants $100,000 and a written apology from the action star.
In a joint statement with the Maricopa County Sheriff's Department (MCSD), Seagal said: "I've been called a lot of things in my career, some of them not so kind. But to be labelled an animal abuser is beyond the pale and that is simply a role I will not accept."
He said that he was considering a lawsuit against Llovera for "fabricating the puppy killing".
Click here to see what Seagal does to puppy abusers in the movies (warning graphic language)
The MCSD also denied the allegations, saying "no dog was even injured, much less firearm was discharged during the course of this operation."
Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio said: "If my deputies, or Seagal for that matter, had done something so awful like shooting a family dog, then where are the photos to prove it?
"Where is there any evidence by Llovera to prove this accusation and why are we only now hearing about it five months later?"
Steven Seagal in action (no puppy killing)

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