When it comes to beauty it seems everyone wants what Kate's having / AFP Source: AFP
Pippa Middleton shares her sister's fresh-faced beauty. Picture: Getty Source: Getty Images
- Kate, Pippa use new Lancome product
- Month-long waiting list in the UK
- Retailers here hope for Royal-inspired rush
KATE and Pippa Middleton have set off another shopping frenzy - this time not for clothes but a new beauty product touted as the latest "miracle cream".
After news leaked online that Catherine, the Duchess of Cambridge and Pippa were the first to road-test Lancome's new Visionnaire serum, British women stormed the shops and now there is an unprecedented month-long waiting list for a product touted as "better than Botox and cosmetic surgery at correcting facial imperfections".
Fans even paid upfront to guarantee they get it when it's back in stock.
Aussie retailers are bracing themselves for a similar onslaught when the product officially launches here on September 18.
Costing from $115, local retailers said people have already begun to put down their names.
In fact, the hype has built so much that Lancome decided to set up sampling stations, today only, in Sydney's David Jones and Myer's CBD stores, so customers can get a preview.
Lancome's Christine Burke, said: "It's incredible, we've already had people putting their names down just to get the sample this weekend."
The Middleton sisters were sent the serum, as was actor Emma Watson who is an ambassador for the French beauty brand.
Despite all the hysteria, dermatology experts seem to support Visionnaire's promised benefits.
Professor Chris Griffiths and Dr Rachel Watson, of the UK's Manchester University, carried out tests on the cream and said: "The data is clinically convincing. We were impressed with what we saw. We can also say that it's absolutely safe."
Visionnaire claims to have "a new generation of multi-tasking molecules" and a secret ingredient, LR24 12.
The Duchess, 29, is a Lancome fan, being seen buying its mascara, eyeliner and Hydra Zen cream before her wedding in April.

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