Billy Law is the latest to be eliminated from the MasterChef kitchen. Picture: Channel Ten Source: Supplied
Billy Law is the latest to be eliminated from the MasterChef kitchen. Picture: Channel Ten Source: The Daily Telegraph
WANT to know how much a contestant on MasterChef gets paid?
It?s $500 a week ? or almost $100 less than the national minimum wage of $589.30 and less than half the average wage of $1291.34.
Eliminated contestant Billy Law has revealed he was paid this retainer for the six months he was shooting the show and said other contestants would have struggled to cope.
"It's enough to survive to pay bills and things like that, but I'm not sure about a mortgage,? Law told ?I'm lucky I don?t have a mortgage.?
The 34-year-old web designer said most contestants quit their jobs before entering the TV cooking contest. Law, himself, gave up on his business and put his clients on the backburner to pursue his MasterChef dream.
"We didn?t see it as tough when we were in production,? he said. ?But we probably will see it once we're out of the competition. That's when the reality hits and it?s then the time to start looking for jobs and to start making money again.?
The food blogger, who was eliminated tonight for a second time this series, ran into controversy after he spoiled the result of the show before it went to air.
In his first tweet since March 28, the wannabe chef announced to his 3000 followers on Twitter that he had been eliminated from the contest.
The tweet and the link contained within it were removed within two hours of being posted.
Now back at his home on the New South Wales Central Coast, Law is focused on his love of desserts.
?I?m concentrating on getting my blog back in full swing and am also looking for part-time work in a kitchen,? he said. ?I?m also planning on hosting dessert dinner events and I still dream of one day opening a dessert bar.?
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