How Star Wars fans wish Carrie Fisher dressed - and now they may get their wish. Picture: Lucasfilm / Fox Source: Supplied
AT 54, Carrie Fisher is ready to Leia it all on the line - she's dropped 23kg, is looking years younger and wants to get back into that Star Wars metal bikini.
The star, who became a cult sex symbol after she donned the skimpy metal garment for Return of the Jedi almost 30 years ago�showed off her newly svelte body and her bikini ambitions during an interview with America?s Today show.
"I want to get back in it and walk around the house like an idiot," said the actress and Jenny Craig spokesperson.
"You know, answer the doorbell, (and say), ?What, this old thing? I'm just wearing my home style metal bikini.?"
Fisher may have worn the costume for all of ten minutes in the sci-fi classic but the costume has been remembered as one of the most iconic in film history.
And she believes there's a demand for them in the mature swimwear market.
"I'll come out with a line of metal bikinis for women over 40," Fisher said.
The skimpy garment, which consisted of a copper bra fastened over the neck complete with matching copper bikini bottoms, hasn't been worn by the star in almost thirty years.
But Fisher says the weight she lost in the nine months since becoming the face of diet company, Jenny Craig, has allowed her to say goodbye to her weight gain woes.
"I couldn't look in the mirror,? the now size 8 star said.
"I saw pictures of myself where I didn't look like myself. I thought I was getting old. It turns out I was mostly getting fat."
But it wasn't just Fisher?s weight-loss which was cause for surprise, with many viewers taking to Twitter to suggest the actress had undergone significant plastic surgery.
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