Katrina Chambers reveals the toll The Block took on her health. Picture: Craig Borrow Source: Herald Sun
- Block contestant suffered nausea, ulcers
- Mum reveals she's battling Crohn's disease
- "I wasn't going to let illness defeat me"
SHE has worked a renovating miracle on 'The Block', but it has come at the expense of her health for viewer favourite Katrina Chambers.
The Wagga-based mum of three has revealed she battled nausea, dehydration, severe stomach pains, swollen joints and ulcers while taking part in the Channel 9 reality hit.
She even made secret visits to her doctor during filming.
Chambers, 33, suffers from Crohn's disease, which flared up due to the stress she was under to complete the renovating tasks on the show.
She lost 10kg during filming as a result of the illness, which is an inflammatory disease of the intestine, and has shed another 4kg since finishing the make-over.
"I am still sick now," Chambers, who also has arthritis as a result of the disease, said.
Chambers, who teamed up with her sister Amie, 31, to take part in the series, said she was determined the illness would not stop her from living her TV dream.
"I have always wanted to be on The Block," she said.
"It was one of those things I was definitely going to do and I was not going to let it defeat me.
"I was pretty well when I went into The Block but after the first week I started to go downhill.
"I don't known if it was entirely The Block, but I am sure it contributed to it with all the hard work and the stressful conditions."
Chambers, who was in Melbourne visiting her doctor yesterday, said she had lived with Crohn's for the past 16 years and was sensible about managing her condition.
"Luckily The Block was filmed in Melbourne this year and my doctor is at St Vincent's Hospital," she said.
"She was literally just around the block, so I could sneak off and see her when things started to get bad.
Chambers said she had no regrets about being part of the show.
"There are plenty of people out there living with worse problems than me," she said.
Chambers said she was confident the Richmond house would sell well when it goes under the hammer at a closed auction on Saturday night.
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