Satisfaction with the variety of mobile handsets available declined by 14 per cent between 2009 and 2012, according to a study released today. Picture: AFP Source: AFP
FORTY per cent of the Aussie smartphone market belongs to Apple, but consumers are complaining about a lack of handset choices.
Satisfaction with the variety of mobile handsets available declined by 14 per cent between 2009 and 2012, according to a study released this morning by the Australian Interactive Media Industry Association.
The Australian Mobile Phone Lifestyle Index is an annual independent study that explores the activity of mobile phone use.
Dr Marisa Maio Mackay, Director of Complete the Picture Consulting and official research partner for the 2012 report told that it could be consumers' overdeveloped sense of entitlement that was driving the perception that there wasn't enough choice in the smartphone market.
"We want more and more because we're doing more and more," Dr Mackay said. "When there's so much available, you see it and you go 'I wish we had a handset that did this better, or that better?.""We saw that with the iPhone 5 release. There was all this great stuff it could do, but there was stuff it couldn't do. There's always more. People always want more."
Analyst for telecommunications firm, Telsyte, Foad Fadaghi told that it had estimated that there were about 600 mobile phone handsets on the market.
He said that people might be equating handset choice, with consolidation of mobile phone platforms by the big tech giants.
"We're seeing Android and Apple dominate platforms," Mr Fadaghi said.
"All the other platforms like Symbian, older proprietary platforms and even Blackberry and older Microsoft platforms have really fallen by the wayside.
"It's therefore understandable that there's less choice of platforms," he said.
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