Charlotte Dawson was attacked by Twitter trolls. Source: HWT Image Library
WHAT goes through the mind of a cyber bully or troll? Is it just venting rage, or trying to hurt someone, or just to get any reaction?
What is the impact that online abuse can have on the victim. Can it cause serious psychological harm? Should people be expected to shrug it off? Is it even that possible?
Even a cursory glance at a social networking site reveals frequent posts of a startlingly hateful and nasty nature. Not only directed at those perceived to "have it all", such as celebrities like Charlotte Dawson, but also aimed at those who are legitimately suffering or less fortunate.
A sad tale of a Queensland woman, distressed by the coverage of her father's charred remains after a property fire on the nightly news, was recent fodder for Facebook.
Among the messages of support and commiserations, came a stream of abuse, condescension and ridicule. Comments, one can conclude, that would never have been made should these people have met this woman face to face.
There is no one "type" of person who becomes a cyber bully or online troll. Motivations vary widely. Most shockingly, one of the most common reasons people send nasty messages is for sheer entertainment value.
A bored person enters a chat session for mothers who can't breastfeed and posts sermons about the damage done to non-breastfed babies. Jealousy is another motivation for cyber bullying. Often celebrities, who may appear to live a life of privilege and ease, may be a target.
The bully gets a kick out of "cutting the person down to size". Sometimes, bullying is motivated by the desire to stand up for another and "right a wrong". A journalist criticises an underperforming footballer and is berated by the angry fan in defence of his hero. Lastly, there is the person who feels angry and "wronged" by the world. The cyber world is a vehicle to vent their anger. We saw this when a cyber bully was tracked down and found to be a prepubescent girl with special needs, experiencing intense anger and frustration.
Are cyber bullies just old-school bullies using computers then? Although some people who bully face-to-face also bully electronically, this medium does create a new group of bullies that wouldn't have bullied in the traditional sense. Anonymity may also be important. Seventy per cent of people cyber bullied don't know who is bullying them. Anonymity creates a climate of disinhibition where people act in ways they wouldn't ordinarily act if they were recognisable. The Ku Klux Klan is a good example.
Ordinarily when we speak to others, facial expressions, tone of voice, and gestures from the other party all serve to moderate what is said. We alter what we say based on these cues. Without these social cues, we can't see if a person is getting upset, and the disinhibited behaviour continues unchallenged. Researchers asked teenagers who admitted to bullying to reflect. They responded they were "Just teasing", "It's not serious", "It's not real". Some cyber bullies simply minimise the impact of their behaviour on others.
That said, the negative impact of online aggression on victims is very real. Sheryl Hemphill and colleagues from the Australian Catholic University have done a major study of 800 students over their school years. Students who were victims of cyber bullying in Year 10 were more likely, by Year 11, to be depressed and engage in self harm. Little research is available regarding the effects of cyber bullying in adults, but if traditional bullying is used as a barometer, there is reason to be concerned. Studies consistently show victims have poorer physical and mental health outcomes.
Cyber bullying is a serious issue and it's here to stay. What should victims do if they are being cyber bullied? Avoid flaming back. For some cyber bullies this reinforces their behaviour and exacerbates the situation. Block the person and contact the ISP host to have posts removed if possible. The laws regarding cyber bullying have lagged behind technology, which has made prosecution difficult. The focus on legal consequences is likely to herald clearer recourse for those who choose to go down this road. Just as importantly however, if you're feeling unable to cope, talk to someone about it. Bullying is bullying, whether it's face-to-face or online, is immaterial.
Dr Rachael Murrihy is a senior clinical psychologist in the Health Psychology Unit at University of Technology Sydney
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