An image from Bendon's Lovable Besties Facebook campaign, which breached advertising codes. Picture: Facebook Source: adelaidenow
A FACEBOOK page promoting lingerie breached advertising codes by encouraging young women to post pictures of themselves in underwear, the industry regulator says..
Bendons' Loveable Besties campaign offered prizes to women who posted pictures of themselves and their best friends on the social media site, which featured an image of two models in underwear with their arms around each other.
But several complaints were made to the Advertising Standards Bureau, including one which said the promotion "is encouraging young girls to take photos of themselves in their underwear and post (them) on the internet".
The bureau decided it was possible younger people could see the advertisement as "condoning, or at least giving some legitimacy," to "uploading images of themselves in underwear" and this was a breach of the Advertiser Code of Ethics with regard to community standards.
The advertiser said it was "disappointed" with the ruling and that the competition - which began on August 13 - had closed on September 9, three days after the decision it was in breach of the code.
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