The manly men of The Expendables 2. Picture: Lionsgate Source: Supplied
THE retirement home for stars who used to make the world right by punching people has beds available.
While out selling The Expendables 2, the wildly optimistic producer of Sylvester Stallone's creaking action franchise has told Total Film magazine that he has talked to Clint Eastwood, Harrison Ford, Nicolas Cage and Wesley Snipes about appearing in the threequel.
Like a course of human growth hormones, The Expendables has already given new life to the careers of not only Stallone but also Arnold Schwarzenegger, Dolph Lundgren, Chuck Norris, Eric Roberts, Jean-Claude Van Damme and Mickey Rourke, manly men who used to known by their surnames alone.
"We've approached Clint Eastwood to be one of the guys, we?ve got a character in mind for him," Avi Lerner told Total Film.
"We?re talking to Harrison Ford ... Wesley Snipes when he comes back from prison. I?ll give you one more name - we?ve got Nicolas Cage."
Which just goes to show how far Cage has fallen since winning an Oscar.
But instead of hiring all those ageing stars, why not get Cage to play every role? You?d get a kick-ass action film with art house quirkiness.
Luckily, someone has already thought of this. See below:
�Picture: Supplied
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