Luke Hopewell, the editor of Gizmodo, posted an amusing image outlining everything on his news feed that he found annoying. Picture: Luke Hopewell Source: Supplied
PEOPLE hate it when you post photos of your food on Facebook and nobody cares about your boring habits.
They're also sick of your baby photos and public displays of affection.
Just stop. You and your wonderful spouse or partner� - and your equally brilliant children - are making people sick.
These are the conclusions of a study revealing that if you don't stop clogging up people's news feeds with your mundane status updates, you're likely to get unfollowed.
Fifty-nine per cent of the 1000 Aussies that were surveyed by Amaysim admitted they would delete friends that hogged their news feed.
Forty-two per cent of people named using the social network as a diary as the most annoying Facebook habit, followed closely by posting Instagram photos of their food.
Checking in everywhere you go rated a 38 per cent annoyance rate, and your public fawning over your latest squeeze is causing 29 per cent of your friends to want to never see your name on their screen ever again.
Also, stop posting photos of your baby. We get it, babies are cute. But 21 per cent of people want to stop following you.
And while you're at it, it might be a good idea to stop taking those� annoying quizzes and tests and commercial promotions that claim to increase your chances of winning by inviting everyone on your friends list to join. Twenty-six per cent of Aussies simply can't stand you for it.
Passive aggressive updates and self-promotion came in a close second to that at 24 and 22 per cent can't stand rate respectively.�
Nobody cares that you're running a triathlon to raise money for orphaned albino cats.
The results of the study correlate with an amusing image posted by the editor of Gizmodo, Luke Hopewell, outlining everything on his news feed that he found annoying.
"I don't care who plays what," Hopewell wrote. "I don't care who you beat and I don't know them. I don't care whose photo or status you commented on and why even is it in my news feed if I don't know them. I don't care who saved 50 cents on their coffee in the morning or who got a 2-for-1 pass to the cross-stitch fair coming up this weekend.
"Kindly GTFO off my feed, all of you."
But don't worry, there is an upside,
Forty-five per cent of Aussies get the warm and fuzzies when you write nice comments on their pictures or updates.
And the majority of respondents also said that at least 50 per cent of the people they're friend with on Facebook were also friends in 'real life'.
Hey, it could be worse. At least you're in with a 50/50 chance.
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