CSIRO scientist Peter Westgate (R) & assistant use a "crash test" cow to simulate a cow smashing into a gate with a farmer behind it. Picture: Csiro Source: The Daily Telegraph
IT looks a bit like a cow - but it charges like a wounded bull.
This crash-test bovine is helping CSIRO researchers test farm gates to help prevent farm injuries.
The 60kg faux cow is designed to simulate the force of a bull or cow charging a cattle gate.
Farmer Edward Evans enlisted CSIRO researchers to test the SaferGate, which he invented after his leg was broken when operating a cattle gate at his farm.
Using the crash-test cow, they improved the original design by adding a magnet on the hinge as well as a handle on top of the gate to make it easier for workers on horseback to open.
The tests were conducted by hoisting the cow to a height of 5m before launching it at the gate.
Project leader Peter Westgate said they had never been asked to test a cattle gate before: "What our tests have shown us is that the harder and faster the gate is hit, the better it performs."
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