Recovery will take "a considerbale amount of time" ... Molly Meldrum remains in ICU and still has short-term memory loss and responds to only basic commands. Picture: Aaron Francis Source: News Limited
THE family of music icon Molly Meldrum is preparing his fans for the reality that he will be in care for "a considerable amount of time" after incorrect reports stated he had been moved out of intensive care.
Molly's manager Mark Klemens says those reports, which emerged yesterday afternoon and were later spread via social media, were totally wrong.
"He is still in ICU," Mr Klemens said tonight after confirming it twice with the music industry veteran's brother.
A decision to take him out of ICU, he said, won't be made until later.
His family had said earlier this week that there was a chance he could be moved to the trauma ward next week.
Meldrum, 65, is recovering from his latest surgery which took place two weeks since he suffered serious injuries from falling three metres down stairs near the spa at his Richmond home.
His brother, Brian Meldrum, says the music stalwart is showing good progress after the recent spinal surgery.
"He's recovered well from that operation," Mr Meldrum said today, adding that Molly has been taken off a ventilator.
"He's progressing pretty well."
Molly also suffered a major head injury, broken collarbone and broken ribs during the December 15 fall.
But Mr Meldrum stressed repeatedly during the radio interview that fans of his famous brother should prepare themselves for the long haul.
While his recovery is going well, he said Molly still suffers from short-term memory loss and is responding only to basic commands.
"At the moment he's very disorientated. He's confused," he said.
"Gradually, those things will improve and he'll start to be aware of his surroundings. He will start to recognise people.
"(But) it's a very, very long haul ahead of him.
"He'll be in care, if you like, for a considerable amount of time. That is pretty much commonplace for people who have sustained these types of injuries."
He said the family does not plan on providing a play-by-play of Molly's long recovery.
"When significant changes occur, we will definitely be releasing that information," he said.
"But at the same time ... we're sort of going to work on the premise that no news is good news. And I think that is the way to approach it."
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