Original yellow Wiggle Greg Page is replacing Sam Moran. Picture: Supplied Source: news.com.au
- Sam Moran "just doing a job... a hired hand"
- Yellow Wiggle Greg Page gets his skivvy back
- Battle over money believed to be behind move
THE rift between former Yellow Wiggle Sam Moran and the reformed original kids super group deepened today, with Anthony Field dismissing the dumped singer as "a hired hand."
Responding to The Daily Telegraph's revelations that Moran was mocked as the "salaried Wiggle" and paid a fraction of the group's $28.2 million earnings, Field told Today show entertainment reporter Richard Wilkins he hadn't spoken to "the guy" he shared a stage with for five years - replaced yesterday with original member, Greg Page.
"What Sam does now is Sam's thing. His contract has come to an end," Field said.
"Sam was just doing a job. He was a hired hand ... I haven't spoken to him."
Asked how Moran might feel about the decision to change back to Page, Field said: "I don't want to speak for a guy ... I don't know how he (Sam) feels."
Clearly uncomfortable with questioning over the group's financials, it goes to claims Moran's abrupt exit and Page's return was a brutal business decision.
Earlier today, The Daily Telegraph revealed exclusively that a brutal battle over money is believed to be behind the unexpected return of original yellow Wiggle Greg Page and the exit of his one-time replacement Sam Moran.
A fixture on the BRW Rich list, earning an estimated $28.2 million last year, The Wiggles welcomed back Page, joining originals Anthony Field, Jeff Fatt and Murray Cook.
Moran, who assumed Page's role of lead singer in November 2006, had "graciously offered to step aside on hearing of Greg's ability to return to the group," management said in a statement.
But his departure may not be as happy as the kiddie favourites claim, with Moran often "ostracised" within the group and the US recession taking a bite out of DVD and CD sales.
While it is estimated Page received a $20 million-plus payout when he left (including royalties for music rights), Moran was locked into a contract rumoured at just $200,000 a year.
Despite 10 years' service - including five as a back-up performer, then lead singer - Moran was jokingly referred to within Wiggle HQ as the "salaried Wiggle" and mocked over his poor deal.
Insiders believe the plan to bring back Page was kept from Moran until recently, who farewelled colleagues at the end of their touring commitments "like normal" before Christmas.
"The tour finished and there was no farewell, no closure, no chance for Sam to say goodbye," a Wiggles source said.
Wiggles manager Paul Field said Moran, who released a solo adult album in 2010, will pursue other musical projects and be given access to the group's Hot Potato Studios to record.
"We thank Sam for his wonderful contribution to the group for the past five years. He joined at a difficult time for Greg and the group, and we're so grateful for all he has done," Field said.
In the same press release, Moran said: "I am very proud of my five years as the Yellow Wiggle and the group's continued success with me as their lead singer. I have enjoyed every minute of my nine years touring with the group, but I now look forward to new opportunities and more time with my wife and two-year-old daughter."
Moran was photographed happily handing his famed skivvy to Page for an image posted on the group's fan site, but was not involved in a media call at their Bella Vista studio.
He did not return The Daily Telegraph's calls.
Page will begin work on new Wiggles productions including CD, DVD and television content, plus local and international tours, kicking off with Australia in March and later this year the UK and USA.
He described his return as an extraordinary moment in his personal history with the group. "This takes me full circle. I'm excited to be back with my friends and to be entertaining our incredible fans again," he said yesterday.
"I didn't get a chance to say farewell last time, so this is an opportunity I couldn't refuse. I'm feeling great and looking forward to doing what I love."
It was a desperately ill Page who broke the hearts of millions of young fans when he was forced to step away from the microphone.
Suffering fainting spells and chronic fatigue, Page was later diagnosed with orthostatic intolerance (or dysautonomia) which left him unable to perform and walking with the aid of a cane.
Finding love and support from his second wife, Vanessa, the 40-year-old fought his way back to health.
He hit a financial setback when he lost a large part of his Wiggles fortune in a bad property development deal.
He claimed yesterday the losses had been "overblown" and his decision to return "has nothing to do with financial matters".
"This is about closure on a personal level for me, but more importantly, getting back with my friends The Wiggles ... it's just an amazing thing."
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