The Xbox 360 and Kinect going through the motions at CES 2012. Picture: AFP Source: AFP
Microsoft's team are keeping people in the dark regarding Xbox rumours . Picture: AFP Source: AFP
- "Xbox 720" to run six times faster than current model
- New device will be shipped the end of 2013
- All the latest tech and gaming news, gadget reviews
THE next generation Xbox will run six times faster than the current model and will be available at the end of next year, a gaming website reports.
IGN said Microsoft sources have revealed the new system - dubbed the ?Xbox 720? - will ship to retailers in late October or early November.
The new system will use the Advanced Micro Devices 6000 series processor and offer 3D gaming, IGN said.
The Xbox 720's raw graphics processing power is expected to be six times that of the Xbox 360 and will yield 20 per cent greater performance than Nintendo's forthcoming console, the Wii U.
Developers are likely to receive development kits based on the system's final configuration in August. Projected pricing for the system was not provided.
It has also been reported that the Xbox 720 may include some sort of anti-used game system, with users encouraged to download cheaper games via Xbox Live.
Gaming website Kotaku claims a Microsoft source said the new Xbox could link a copy of a game to a specific Xbox Live account to stop it from being played on another machine.
Kotaku also reports the Xbox 720 will come with a Blu-Ray player.
"As an innovator we're always thinking about what is next and how we can push the boundaries of technology like we did with Kinect,? a Microsoft rep told Kotaku.
?We believe the key to extending the lifespan of a console is not just about the console hardware, but about the games and entertainment experiences being delivered to consumers. Beyond that we don't comment on rumors or speculation."
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