Microsoft found Bill Gates contradicted rumours reported in Fortune that he was considering a comeback. Picture: AFP Source: AFP
Gates said his arch-rival Steve Jobs was a "brilliant" person. Picture: AFP Source: AFP
- Bill Gates rules out returning to helm Microsoft
- Says arch-rival Jobs was a "brilliant person"
- "Microsoft outsold Apple machines by a lot"
MICROSOFT founder and IT visionary Bill Gates has ruled out ever returning to the helm of Microsoft and responded to criticism aimed at him by his former rival Steve Jobs.
Mr Gates contradicted rumours he was considering a comeback and said he would instead concentrate full-time on philanthropic work with his Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Fairfax Media reported.
"I'm part-time involved with Microsoft, including even being in touch this week to give some of my advice but that's not going to change ? the foundation requires all of my energy and we feel we're having a great impact,? Mr Gates said.
"?and that will be what I do the rest of my life."
"Microsoft machines outsold his machines by a lot"
Mr Gates responded to the often harsh criticism leveled at him by Steve Jobs which ranged from the professional ?(Gates? model) produced crappy products?, to the personal ?(Gates would) be a broader guy if he had dropped acid once or gone off to an ashram when he was younger?.
Mr Gates said Jobs was wonderful competition but that ?Microsoft machines outsold his machines by a lot he was always kind of tough on Microsoft, but that's fine, he was a brilliant person".
He was charitable about Jobs? comments to his interviewer, Walter Isaacson, which slammed the Microsoft founder as ?basically unimaginative?.
?(He) has never invented anything, which is why I think he's more comfortable now in philanthropy than technology," Jobs told Isaacson. "He just shamelessly ripped off other people's ideas."
Mr Gates responded that: "our work at Microsoft was super successful for all good reasons but Steve made huge contributions and he actually in his last few years was a lot kinder than that but over the years he did say some tough things."
The rivalry has been one of IT's most enduring feud with Jobs previously accusing Gates of stealing the idea of a mouse-operated graphical user interface after seeing it on the original Macintosh.
"They just ripped us off completely, because Gates has no shame," Jobs said.
Gates memorably responded to the accusation that he saw it differently: ?We both had this rich neighbor named Xerox and I broke into his house to steal the TV set and found that you had already stolen it.?
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