Women�are more likely to disclose information about emotional topics and write about them with emoticons, kisses and unconventional typography. Picture: Thinkstock
- Young women pioneering new uses of English
- More likely to communicate in unconventional ways
- Facebook told to tighten privacy policy
YOUNG women are online trendsetters, with their use of expressive language on social media sites pushing the evolution of the English language.
A study by the UK's Leicester University found young women were leading the world in the changing style of storytelling.
Women were more likely to disclose information about emotional topics and write about them with more emoticons, kisses and unconventional typography.
The writing style pioneered by women aged 19 to 25 was picked up by other woman, especially those over 40, and teenage boys. The only group not down with the new lingo was men.
University of Queensland social media expert Dr Nic Carah said new technologies would continue to change the way people communicate.
"Facebook and Twitter have certain parameters that users have to stick to so they can keep in touch,'' he said.
"As new social media sites and communication technologies evolve over time, there will be new rules and requirements for text, or possibly sound, data to be uploaded, and people will adjust how they deliver their messages.
"Even SMS text messaging changed the way we use language permanently.''
Leicester University English lecturer Dr Ruth Page said young women were pioneering ways to use current communication technologies.
She said this was significant because it was at "odds with other statistics that show they are under-represented as the developers of social media sites and software''.
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