Going for the doctor: Brynne Edelsten with her husband, Geoffrey. Picture: Chris Scott Source: Herald Sun
GLITZY socialite Brynne Edelsten has said she wants to be pregnant to medical millionaire husband Geoffrey Edelsten by the end of the year.
Edelsten, 28, told New Idea the time was right to create a mini mogul of their own after being married for two years and two months.
"I feel like I'm ready and I really want to fall pregnant this year. Right, baby?" she said, nudging her 68-year old husband. "Whatever I say?"
The announcement, accompanied by a tropical-themed photo shoot from the couple's recent holiday to Hawaii, comes just days after Edelsten's former wife, Leanne, revealed Dr Edelsten had secretly fathered a child with another woman. The 22-year-old named Matthew, lives in Sydney.
Dr Edelsten said he would be happy to become a father again.
"I've delivered a lot of babies in my time - and treated them as they grow up - so I think I could do a good job," he said.
Brynne will have to clear some room in her schedule. Seven has bought the rights to a reality television show starring the busty blonde.
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