Tim Anderson says he can usually tell when he's had too much coffee. Picture: Tricia Watkinson. Source: AdelaideNow
WHETHER your poison is a short black, a Red Bull or a flat white, there is a new app that will help you keep track of your caffeine intake.
Caffeine Zone, developed by two doctors at an American university, lets users track the level of caffeine in their bloodstream in order to improve mental alertness, which is between 200mg and 400mg, and maintain an ideal level for sleeping, which is below 100mg.
The app plots a graph of your caffeine level with bars representing the optimum caffeine zone that you're trying to hit, while also reflecting the level that you need to drop below before bed time.
Tim Anderson, 28, of Bowden, says he tries not to overdo it when it comes to his caffeine intake.
"I definitely need a coffee in the morning but I make sure I don't have more than two or three a day," he said.
"It is interesting to see how the app measures my intake because I can usually tell when I've had too much coffee."
Dr Stuart Brierly, from the University of Adelaide, said too much caffeine, and sometimes not enough, can cause problems.
"Too much caffeine can result in anxiety and a heightened hyperactive response," he said.
"There are certainly dangers from too much consumption and if you are used to having a regular amount of caffeine and try and break the mould it can cause sleep disturbances and shaking, so you have to manage your caffeine intake."
Dr Brierly recently downloaded the app and found the results on his caffeine intake "interesting".
"It lets you put in when you consume coffee and plots how quickly it is absorbed into your body and processed over time," he said.
"It's very interesting and it has come in quite handy."�
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