About to get wet: Russell Crowe as Noah. Picture: Paramount Source: Supplied
A STORM of biblical proportions has halted production on Russell Crowe's Noah ark movie, which just goes to show that either God has a sense of humour or really hates Russell Crowe.
The Los Angeles Times reports that work was postponed as Hurricane Sandy bore down the New York sets and the two massive arks the production team have built for the movie.
Filming on Noah is almost complete so the stoppage won't harm the project.
Emma Watson, who co-stars in the film, tweeted: "I take it that the irony of a massive storm holding up the production of Noah is not lost" while director Darren Aronofsky decided to catch up on some movies, including Cloud Atlas and The Master.
Crowe, who plays the title character, used the time to reminisce about past holidays: "one persons random is another persons linear...1970 family holiday, drove to Queensland, straight into the teeth of a cyclone, good call Dad!"
He also joked: "Aren't butterflies just amazing?" and "Wind picking up outside".
Noah comes out in 2014.
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