Fears being lonely in Sydney: Lady Gaga who is playing four shows at Allphones Arena. Picture: Twitter / Lady Gaga Source: Supplied
LADY Gaga is planning to fly 20 of her closest friends to Australia all expenses paid because she's lonely.
The millionaire singer is currently touring the world on her Born this Way Ball but is feeling a bit isolated and Britain's The Sun newspaper claims that the songstress will have the large group to cheer her up at her four Sydney gigs in Allphones Arena from June 20.
There'll be no escaping Lady Gaga in 2012
"When touring, she misses her friends desperately,'' a source told the publication.
"She speaks to most as much as she can but it's difficult with the time difference, rehearsals and performances.''
Gaga has spoken out about her Asia tour which is being threatened by religious group who want her to tone down her act.
"Don't worry, if I get thrown in jail in Manila, Beyonce will just bail me out,'' she tweeted.
An upcoming show in Indonesia was cancelled after it was feared protesters might turn violent.
Censors were in the audience this week to monitor the "decency'' of Gaga's show.
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