Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg is expected to deliver a big announcement at the F8 Developer Conference. Picture: AFP Source: AFP
MONTHS of speculation has been leading up to this moment, but can Facebook deliver the goods? Follow news.com.au's updates as they happen.
Watch the live streaming video of the F8 Developer Conference
5.35am Comedian Andy Samberg was the warm up act this morning, he took to the stage playing Mark Zuckerberg, exclaiming: "We're going to change the universe! I say that every year!".
Watch the video as Samberg pokes fun at the baby-faced Facebook founder.
Cameron and Tyler Winklevoss tried to reopen their lawsuit against Facebook last year after settling for $65 million. Picture: AFP
Source: AFP
5.23am No word yet about what the Winklevoss twins have to say about the Facebook redesign, but thankfully Twitter weighed in on their behalf.
5.13am IT marketing expert Christopher Penn has posted some pretty interesting first impressions of the announcements at the F8 conference - on G+ - how's that for irony!
Summary: The winners of the new design are media outlets and celebrities. The losers - entrepreneurs and independent promoters.
5.12am Oh the outrage. People are not happy.
So to re-cap, Facebook seem to be heading into serious MySpace territory. Along with your standard profile picture, your new profile page will contain a massive photo which runs across the top of the page.
Here's a snap shot of what your new timeline will look like. Picture: Facebook
Source: Supplied
The new redesign also includes applications for almost every area of your life from jogging, to watching movies and cooking.
Your music timeline will allow your friends to see what albums or songs you are listening to, and they can listen in to. You can also create playlists that your friends can listen to at the exact same time you are. Picture: Facebook
Source: Supplied
Each timeline will also contain isolated newsfeeds or "Activity Logs" for each seperate activity.�
The new private Activity Log lets you control all of your activity, what appears and where, and what doesn't. Picture: Facebook
Source: Supplied
Johnny Evans from Computerworld has written an Op-Ed piece on how Facebook's new music streaming service will pose a serious threat to Apple's dominance over the music world via iTunes.4.51am The new Spotify app allows you to stream music through your Facebook page.
The new Spotify app lets you stream music through your Facebook page. Picture: Facebook
Source: Supplied
4.38am The new "Open Graph" feature will feature apps from major news organisations, game developers and lifestyle companies.
Here's how it works: When a user reads a news article, it will appear in their ticker newsfeed, allowing their friends to click on the article and read it on Facebook using a customised application.
People will be able to read The Washington Post, The Daily, The (UK) Telegraph and The Huffington Post.
4.32am Let's jump over to Twitter and see what the reaction is so far. Here are just a few selections:
4.27am A new Hulu "social canvas app" will also be available where you can watch TV shows on your Facebook. Hulu is also not available in Australia so it seems unlikely we'll be seeing any of this social movie and TV action any time soon.
4.20am Netflix CEO Reed hastings announced that people will now be able to stream Netflix movies through Facebook.
No word yet on whether this is will be available in Australia. Considering it hasn't been available in Australia thus far, I wouldn't be holding your breathe for this one.
Spotify CEO has announced a bold new way to refamiliarise people with the concept of paying for music.Source: Supplied
"The more music you listen to, the more engaged you are with music, the more likely you are to pay for music," Mr Ek said.�
"We're bringing people back to paying for music again. That's how artists can continue to create music for all of us to enjoy."
"Our goal is to make music readily available whilst making sure artists get a fair deal."
4.05am The rumours about a music streaming service were right. People will be able to play music live through Facebook using a Spotify app which will show up on your news feed and your friends will also be able to listen in too.
All the information about the new Facebook overhaul is available on its blog. Picture: Facebook
Source: Supplied
3.57am All the information about the new Facebook overhaul is available on the official blog. Picture: Facebook
3.45am Users will now have a giant photo that will appear at the top of their timeline which they can change as often or as seldom as they want.
It is separate from your profile picture which still remains in the top left hand corner of your profile - but Zuckerberg says the large photo tells a lot about your life and personal story.
"we wanted to design a place that feels like your home," Zuckerberg said.
"Now you have a new way to express who you are".
3.38am Facebook founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg says apps are central to the future of Facebook as they "help tell the story of your life".
2.45am The Huffington Post has a collection of the latest rumors on what will be unveiled at today's Facebook F8 conference. They include the release of the long awaited iPad application, Facebook Music and new buttons including "Read", "Watched" and possibly "Want".
2.30am Here?s what we know so far:
Facebook yesterday rolled out a series of significant changes to the site including a subscribe function and news ticker that updates activities in real time.
Rumours of the big announcement have been flying around the interwebs for months.
The word on the street is that Facebook will be launching a new music and movie streaming service, as well as a new photo application similar to Instagram.
Oh and apparently a new Facebook app will finally be available for the iPad.
These and many more rumours will be confirmed or dispelled shortly.
Follow News.com.au as we bring you all the latest Facebook developments live.
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